A online joke site is down. It was accused of distributing antisemitist jokes. Apparently the aim of the site was to collect all the jokes possible to the site. The site had several categories and one of them was jokes about jews. He is commenting the takedown on his site:
Syynä tähän on saamani syyte "kiihotuksesta kansanryhmiä vastaan". Koska sivuston alkuperäinen tarkoitus, kerätä kaikki mahdolliset vitsit näille sivuille on mahdotonta, en näe muuta mahdollisuutta kuin lopettaa sivuston ylläpito. Sensuroitua sivustoa en halua alkaa ylläpitämään, huomenna kun ruotsalaiset tai blondit voivat nostaa syytteen minua vastaan.
You can find the site on Internet Archive
Link: HS Verkkoliite has the story (finnish)
Here is one from jewish jokes website
There was an amazing accident involving a Rabbi and a Priest. The cars are completetly shaterred though the Rabbi and the Preist don't even bare a scratch on them The Preists looks at the rabbi's kippa and says:
"Oh You're a Rabbi"
Then the Rabbi looks at the Preists collar and says:
"Oh You're a Priest"
"Yes" Amswered the Priest
"Well look at this both of our cars are shattered to bits, but none of us bare a scratch this must be a sign of G-D that we should be friends"
"Yes this is a sign" exclaimed the Priest
The Rabbi notices in his car that a wine bottle with a Mogen David on it isn't broken"
"Look" The rabbi points to the bottle, he continues "My wine bottle isn't shattered this must be a sign from G-D that we should drink this to commemerate that we are friends"
"Yes this must be a sign" says the priest who takes the bottle from the Rabbi's car and starts to drink until he is half-way done with the bottle then hands it to the rabbi, where the Rabbi takes it and closes the bottle.
"Aren't you going to have a sip Rabbi"
"Nahh..... I think I'll wait for the police"
Link: HS Verkkoliite - Tekstiversio. (finnish)