Link: TOMMI LINDELL has locked his work into a CD player. You can only listen to the cd, not copy. He has locked the anal-hole (headphone jack) with tape and screw technology. The player is locked with lock and the author will keep the key. If the buyer wants to make additional fair use copies, the author has promised to negotiate. The player has as a reminder some of the protecting authorities logos including: Police, UN, Teosto, Customs and Batman. Money from the the sales of the music (player comes free) is donated to Geor Malmsten foundation that promotes new Finnish music.
Currently the winnig bid is at 200 euros.
Henrik Ingo noticed that there might be another way to get attention to stupid DRM regulation. No not the Sony way.. Why not lock a kitten in to a box and call it art; then sue who ever would open the box to rescue the kitten of making unauthorised changes to the protected work.