I have a new favorite program. Bill O'reilly's O'reilly Factor. He has a "news" program on fox and he is as right wing as it gets. It is nice to hear the opposing views to matters that I take as granted like: Intelligent design, Bush's illegal eaves dropping and war at Iraq. O'reilly Factor (his show) is presented as news program, but in reality it is pure propaganda. His guests are his right wing buddies. Yesterday the X-speaker of the house Newt Gingrich was ranting how president Bush was not breaking the law by giving authorization for tapping the phones of Americans. I don't believe O'reilly has ever disagreed with Bush politics. O'reilly even uses the traditional brain washing tactics. He stops his program and suddenly starts his monologue ranting about stupid Nazi democrats. His speech is boosted with a simultanious text. This way the audience will have two input channels activated at the same time.
Just last week O'reilly called American Civil Liberties Union ACLU as Nazi terrorists. ACLU among other things revealed illegal NSA spying, has fought against the renewal of Patriot act sun set provisions and has generally been a good watchdog of government.
Lately O'reilly has been complaining how the government isn't allowed to use "merry Christmas" anymore. I guess this is one point where Bill O'reilly criticized White house. Presidential Christmas card didn't mention Christmas but had a more generic: "happy holidays". O'reilly: "Put Christ back into Christmas". I say: "Happy Hanukkah Bill"
See also: FOX News.com - The O'Reilly Factor - Interview - Howard Stern
Before you decided to critize anyone, you should have at least gone to some sort of school and learned the english language and also how to spell.
Posted by: Bobo | Tuesday, 24 January 2006 at 05:28
Thank you Bodo for your comment. "I am cuurenttlie ina school. Me spelling is better. Yes!"
Bottom line. Typos suck. My first language is Finnish and I don't really have to go to a school to express your opinnions. I think I made my point clear in my post above.
Posted by: Herkko | Tuesday, 24 January 2006 at 11:17
O'Reilly doesn't really agree with Bush in every single issue (although in most issues he does), for example he opposes the death penalty and believes that global warming exists. And those opinions, which I would call common sense are pure left-wing propaganda to the Bush-crew. O'Reilly may be a traditional Republican of some kind.
Posted by: Tuomas | Tuesday, 10 April 2007 at 13:35