I have been following the case for the Finnish blogger who got sued for libel a while ago.Today he got the fined and he had to pay the plaintif some damages.
Today, in court, my criticism was considered to have “clearly gone beyond what can be considered reasonable” (my non-professional, and probably inaccurate translation of the part of 9 §, which this sentencing is based on). I was sentenced to a small fine (due to my small incomes), to pay the plaintiff’s related expences (also reasonably small), to pay a moderate, with respect to what was demanded, compensation for “mental anguish”
I don't know all the details but it the court saw that the line was crossed. I had similar experiences with Lehtovaara but the difference was that I critisized a company and I didn't use profane language. There is a side note to the story: The police demanded the defendant to take down the material on wrong/no bases. The defendant made a complain and in the police admitted that they didnt know enough about the law regarding network communication. The best part was that when defendat had asked the police about the the specific law where the police is using to demand the takedown; he was labelled "wise ass". Read the whole story at marginaali
There is another case at Kajaani where police found out the anonymious poster's identity and he was convicted to 450 euro fines and 2000 euro damages.