Homeless people are a big problem in US. They are everywhere, begging for money. In Berkeley the main street Telegraph avenue is full of street people. Drug addicts, hippies, skateboarders and winos. My local friend told that most of the people who pose as homeless and hang out at telegraph are from rich families. These kids are rebelling against their parents. Street life is considered cool with high schoolers. I have never given any money to homeless. US has chose to support a global army and not social wellfare. Why should I support american hobos? This story only confirms my oppinnion. Link: Homeless Rather Get Handouts Than Work.
A Phoenix news crew with hidden cameras went around the city to see if the homeless people would actually accept work as their cardboard signs claimed. They offered $20 to each homeless person in exchange for one hour of landscaping work.
Only one guy accepted the work. Other homeless made all sort of excuses.
Every person is not the same, every homeless person has a different reason for being homeless.
Why not try compassion instead of judgement?
Posted by: christine | Tuesday, 06 December 2005 at 16:14
I am not judging. Just saying it is not my fight to get rid of American "poverty".
Yesterday I saw a film about NY homeless people who were living undeground in Amtrak train tunnels.
Marc Singer's "Dark Days"
Sad, happy and humane. Good documentary and worth seeing.
Posted by: Herkko | Wednesday, 07 December 2005 at 00:23
Oppressive regimes around the world have taken people's money to build armies and accumulated riches for themselves. Should charity organizations deny help to the victims of these oppressors because of this? I don't think so. Granted, this is an extreme example, but please do consider that the news organization might have had it's own agenda and that their sample size is quite small and narrow to warrant labeling all homeless people.
The beggars sign can be seen as only a sales pitch, but that does not negate the possibility that the beggar is in desperate need of money. Would you get in the car with a total stranger if you knew the society doesn't give a rats ass about your rights or if you go "missing"?
Posted by: Rami | Wednesday, 07 December 2005 at 03:26
Of course it is your fight it is a cause for all of us to fight for!
We are all human beings not just Americans, Christians, Muslim, Irish, Italian, Rich, Poor etc....
We live together and perhaps if we realized we were all connected perhaps that would facilitate a change for the better for the homeless and hungry in "Our World".
Posted by: christine | Wednesday, 07 December 2005 at 22:19